Peace & Joy

“Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.”

Ruth Carter Stapleton

You’ll already know that I love any opportunity for family time, and Christmas is no different. With four children between us and the number of grandchildren growing, I treasure the time we have with our most important people.

It’s true what they say, time flies. It doesn’t feel like two minutes ago that I was putting the carrot and mince pie on a plate with my wee girls in anticipation of Santa coming down the chimney whilst they slept.

Oh, those memories are so precious.

Now, Christmas (and life) is pretty different.

We’re not fussing over children but over our fur baby, Alfie.

We’re not staring up at the sky, looking for the magical reindeer, but we’re enjoying a lovely dinner together.

And this year, Christmas Day will be even quieter than usual as our children are visiting in-laws and other parts of their families.

We will join my parents and brother at the big Cecchini family dinner table for a festive feast on Christmas Day. There might be a few family members missing around the table, but the feeling of celebration will be as vibrant as ever as we catch up, reminisce and over-indulge together. Just as Christmas should be.

I just love the feeling of family around the table. It’s my Italian blood. It’s when we’re at our happiest. Throw a walk with Alfie into the mix, and it’s a perfect day.

The number of stockings on the fireplace might have dwindled, but our enthusiasm for the season of togetherness certainly hasn’t.

I’m also mindful of those that aren’t lucky enough to be surrounded by their loved ones at this time of year.

If you have a family member, neighbour or distant friend who won’t be joining a family dinner table this year, why not invite them to yours or make a phone call to wish them Merry Christmas?

Because no one should feel alone on Christmas Day.
Who are you spending Christmas with this year?

Is there someone that you can reach out to and make a difference to their Christmas?

Wishing you and your loved ones a peaceful, joyful Christmas.

Much love,



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